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Last updated Aug 6, 2023


Add IP address to address group of FortiGate device.

List all IP address group objects of fortigate device.

List all IP address objects of fortigate device.

Fetch detected hosts from FortiGate device.

Fetch destination traffic statistics from FortiGate device.

Fetch firewall policies from FortiGate device.

Fetch firewall policy usages from FortiGate device.

Close specified network session on the FortiGate device. Requires 'System Configuration' permission.

Remove IP address from address group of FortiGate device.

Fetch CPU, memory, disk, session usage trend from FortiGate device.

Fetch services from FortiGate device.

Fetch active sessions from FortiGate device.

Fetch source traffic statistics from FortiGate device.

Fetch all local users from FortiGate device.