Stellar Cyber

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Last updated Nov 28, 2024


Get alerts from Stellar Cyber platform for a specified time period.

stellar-alerts [profile=PROFILE] [duration=NUM{mon|w|d|h|m|s}] [from=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [to=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [order=ORDER]
Stellar Cyber connect profile code
Scan only recent data. You should use s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month) time unit. For example, 10s means data from 10 seconds earlier.
Start time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
End time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
asc or desc. desc by default.

Output Fields

event_timeDateEvent timeTime of an action, such as start of session, time of update, etc.
src_ipIP addressSource IPSource IP address of the session.
src_portIntegerSource portLayer 4 source port.
dst_ipIP addressDestination IPDestination IP address of the session.
dst_portIntegerDestination portLayer 4 destination port.
protocolStringProtocolLayer 4 protocol name. Can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, or IGMP.
app_familyStringApp familyThe name of the application family to which the application belongs, such as network service, database, web, etc.
appStringAppThe name of an application identified by the DPI engine, such as HTTP, DHCP, Google, etc.
signatureStringSignatureDisplay name of the XDR event
anomaly_tagStringAnomaly tage.g. rare, spike
threat_scoreIntegerThreat score0 to 100.
severityIntegerSeveritySeverity of the event. From 0–100, with a higher value indicating higher severity.
fidelityDoubleFidelityMachine Learning confidence that an attack is happening. From 0–100, with a higher value indicating higher confidence.
src_reputation_sourceStringSource reputation sourceThe source of the reputation data.
src_reputationStringSource reputationReputation of the source IP address from Threat Intelligence, such as Good, Bad, Scanner, Spyware, etc.
dst_reputation_sourceStringDestination reputation sourceThe source of the reputation data.
dst_reputationStringDestination reputationReputation of the destination IP address from Threat Intelligence, such as Good, Bad, Scanner, Spyware, etc.
mitre_tacticStringMITRE tactic IDe.g. TA0043, XTA0002
mitre_tactic_nameStringMITRE tactic namee.g. Reconnaissance, XDR NBA
mitre_techniqueStringMITRE technique IDe.g. T1595, XT2003
mitre_technique_nameStringMITRE technique namee.g. Active Scanning, XDR App Anomaly
xdr_scopeStringXDR scopee.g. External, Internal
xdr_killchain_stageStringXDR killchain stagee.g. Initial Attempts, Persistent Foothold, Exploration
login_typeStringLogin typeThe login type of the login events. e.g. ssh_traffic, smb_traffic
login_resultStringLogin resultThe login result of any user login events. e.g. fail
lateralBoolIs lateralWhether the connection is from private to private.
descriptionStringDescriptionDescription of the XDR event.
event_sourceStringEvent sourceThe data source for the Machine Learning job results. e.g. new_ml, sa
event_categoryStringEvent categoryThe kill chain event category for the Machine Learning job. e.g. killchain, network
event_typeStringEvent typeThe event type for the Machine Learning job. e.g. reconn, conn
event_nameStringEvent nameThe event name for the job. e.g. scanner_rep, network_uncommon_app, outbytes_anomaly
event_scoreIntegerEvent scoreCombination of severity, fidelity, and threat_score.
event_statusStringEvent statusThe current status of a given event record. Can be new, in_progress, closed, or ignored.
durationIntegerDurationSession duration in milliseconds.
stateStringStateThe current state of the session. e.g. HalfOpened, Established, Expired, Aborted, Closed
app_std_portStringStandard portWhether the application is using the standard port. e.g. yes, no
net_idStringNetwork IDe.g. 0
net_nameStringNetwork nameThe name of a network ID.
flow_scoreIntegerFlow score0 to 100
src_typeStringSource typeIP address type for the source IP address, such as private, multicast, or public.
src_hostStringSource hostHost name or DNS name for the source IP address.
src_macStringSource MAC addressSource MAC address.
src_countryStringSource country codee.g. US, KR
src_country_nameStringSource country namee.g. United States, South Korea
src_regionStringSource regione.g. Gyeonggi-do, Unknown
src_cityStringSource citye.g. Sungnam-si
src_latDoubleSource latitude
src_lngDoubleSource longitude
dst_typeStringDestination typeThe IP address type for the destination IP address, such as private, multicast, or public.
dst_hostStringDestination hostHost name or DNS name for the destination IP address.
dst_macStringDestination MAC addressDestination MAC address.
dst_countryStringDestination country codee.g. GB
dst_country_nameStringDestination country namee.g. United Kingdom
dst_regionStringDestination regione.g. Cardiff
dst_cityStringDestination citye.g. Cardiff
dst_latDoubleDestination latitudee.g. 51.4866
dst_lngDoubleDestination longitudee.g. -3.1549
sent_bytesLongSent bytesThe number of bytes sent to the server by the client since the last update.
rcvd_bytesLongReceived bytesThe number of bytes the client received from the server since the last update.
sent_pktsLongSent packetsThe number of packets sent to the server by the client since the last update.
rcvd_pktsLongReceived packetsThe number of packets the client received from the server since the last update.
total_bytesLongTotal bytesTotal number of bytes received and sent by client for a session.
total_pktsLongTotal packetsTotal number of packets received and sent by client for a session.
total_sent_bytesLongTotal sent bytesThe number of bytes sent by the client to the server during the session.
total_rcvd_bytesLongTotal received bytesTotal number of bytes the client received from the server during the session.
tcp_rttIntegerTCP RTTRound trip time for a TCP connection, which represents the network delay.
file_idStringFile IDUnique identifier for the file. It is a hash based on MD5 and SHA-256.
file_nameStringFile nameFile name of the threat on the endpoint.
file_pathStringFile pathDirectory holding the fileName on the endpoint.
md5StringMD5The MD5 hash value of this file.
sha256StringSHA256The SHA-256 hash value of this file.
urlStringURLThe URL that is a reference to a web resource.
ifaceStringInterfacee.g. ethernet1
dst_asset_idStringAsset IDThe asset ID associated with the destination IP address.
eng_idStringEngine IDID of the sensor. e.g. ad56000c2974bb19
eng_nameStringEngine nameThe hostname of the sensor. e.g. Coup-SecuritySensor132
eng_gatewayStringEngine gatewayThe gateway of the sensor.
start_bucket_timeDateStart bucket timeStart time of the data that caused the anomaly.
end_bucket_timeDateEnd bucket timeEnd time of the data that caused the anomaly, in milliseconds (combines with the start_bucket_time to form a time range).
dscp_nameStringDCSP nameName as described in the commonly used DSCP values in RFC 2475
detected_fieldsListDetected fieldsIdentification field of the alert type.
detected_valuesListDetected valuesIdentification field's value of the alert type.
msg_typeIntegerMessage typeInteger value of the Stellar Cyber internal message type
msg_type_nameStringMessage type nameString value of the Stellar Cyber internal message type.
org_idStringOrganization IDe.g. default-organization
org_nameStringOrganization namee.g. default-organization
tenant_idStringTenant IDThe ID of the tenant.
tenant_nameStringTenant nameThe name of the tenant.
rcvd_timeDateReceived timeTime the event was received by the DP.
write_timeDateWrite timeTime the event was written to Elasticsearch.
processing_timeIntegerProcessing timeProcessing time from the sensor.
response_timeIntegerResponse timeServer processing time calculated by the sensor.
orig_indexIntegerOrigin indexElasticsearch index of the data causing the anomaly.
orig_idIntegerOrigin log IDElasticsearch ID of the data causing the anomaly.
idsMapIDSNamespace for all IDS related fields.
metadataMapMetadataWhether any field (such as domain, url, ip) in the metadata is in the whitelist.