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Last updated Aug 10, 2023


Fetch all assets from insightVM

insightvm-assets [profile=PROFILE]
insightVM profile name

Output Fields

profileStringConnect profileIdentifier of insightVM connect profile
ipStringIPIP address of the asset
macStringMACMAC address of the asset
hostnameStringHostnameHostname of the asset
osStringOSe.g. Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X 10.14, Ubuntu Linux 18.04
risk_scoreDoubleRisk scoree.g. 115927.875
exploitsIntegerExploit countNumber of exploits
malwaresIntegerMalware countNumber of malwares
criticalIntegerCritical countNumber of critical vulnerabilities
severeIntegerSevere countNumber of severe vulnerabilities
moderateIntegerModerate countNumber of moderate vulnerabilities
totalIntegerTotal countNumber of all vulnerabilities