Google Workspace

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Last updated Oct 7, 2024


Get meet activity logs from Google Workspace.

google-workspace-meet-logs [profile=PROFILE] [duration=NUM{mon|w|d|h|m|s}] [from=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [to=yyyyMMddHHmmss]
Profile name of Google Workspace
Scan only recent data. You should use s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month) time unit. For example, 10s means data from 10 seconds earlier.
Start time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
End time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.

Output Fields

profileStringConnect profileProfile name of Google Workspace
typeStringTypee.g. call
actionStringActione.g. call_ended
src_ipIP addressSource IP address
meeting_codeStringMeeting codee.g. ABCDEFGHIJ
organizer_emailStringOrganizer email address
device_typeStringDevice typee.g. web, ios, android
display_nameStringDisplay name
identifier_typeStringIdentifier typee.g. email_address
location_countryStringLocation country
location_regionStringLocation region
screencast_send_secondsIntegerScreencast send secondsThe duration during which the participant sent a screencast (seconds).
screencast_recv_fps_meanIntegerScreencast receive fps meanThe mean frame rate of received screencasts (FPS).
screencast_recv_short_side_median_pixelsIntegerScreencast receive short side median pixelsThe median of the short side of the received screencasts (pixels).
screencast_recv_long_side_median_pixelsInteger The median of the long side of the received screencasts (pixels).
audio_recv_secondsIntegerAudio receive secondsThe duration during which the participant received any audio (seconds).
audio_send_bitrate_kbps_meanIntegerAudio send bitrate kbps meanThe mean bitrate of the sent audio stream (kbit/s).
audio_send_packet_loss_meanIntegerAudio send packet loss meanThe mean packet loss for the sent audio stream (percent).
audio_send_packet_loss_maxIntegerAudio send packet loss maxThe maximum packet loss for the sent audio stream (percent).
video_send_secondsIntegerVidio send secondsThe duration during which the participant sent video (seconds).
network_transport_protocolStringNetwork transport protocole.g. multiple, tcp, tls, udp
network_congestionIntegerNetwork congestionThe fraction of time where the network did not have enough bandwidth to send all the data to Google servers (percent).
network_rtt_msec_meanIntegerNetwork RTT msec meanThe mean network round-trip time (milliseconds).
network_send_jitter_msec_meanIntegerNetwork send jitter msec meanThe mean network jitter for sent packets (milliseconds).
network_estimated_upload_kbps_meanIntegerNetwork estimated upload kbps meanThe estimated bandwidth used by sent media streams (kbps).
network_estimated_download_kbps_meanIntegerNetwork estimated download kbps meanThe estimated bandwidth used by received media streams (kbps).
conference_idStringConference ID
endpoint_idStringEndpoint ID
is_externalBoolIs external