Google Workspace

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Last updated Feb 8, 2025


Get Google Drive apps from Google Workspace.

google-workspace-drive-apps [profile=PROFILE]
Profile name of Google Workspace

Output Fields

profileStringConnect profileProfile name of Google Workspace
idStringApp IDe.g. 619683526666
nameStringApp namee.g. Google Docs
kindStringKinde.g. drive#app
object_typeStringObject typeThe type of object this app creates such as a Chart.
is_drive_wide_scopeBoolIs drive-wide scopeWhether the app has Drive-wide scope. An app with Drive-wide scope can access all files in the user's Drive.
is_installedBoolIs installedWhether the app is installed.
is_authorizedBoolIs authorizedWhether the app is authorized to access data on the user's Drive.
is_default_handlerBoolIs default handlerWhether the app is selected as the default handler for the types it supports.
product_idStringProduct IDe.g. aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake
product_urlStringProduct URLe.g.
short_descriptionStringShort descriptionA short description of the app.
long_descriptionStringLong descriptionA long description of the app.
primary_file_extsListPrimary file extensionsThe list of primary file extensions.
secondary_file_extsListSecondary file extensionsThe list of secondary file extensions.
primary_mime_typesListPrimary MIME typesThe list of primary MIME types.
secondary_mime_typesListSecondary MIME typesThe list of secondary MIME types.
can_multi_openBoolCan multi openWhether this app supports opening more than one file.
can_createBoolCan create
can_offline_createBoolCan offline createWhether this app supports creating files when offline.
can_importBoolCan importWhether this app supports importing from Google Docs.
create_urlBoolCreate URLThe URL to create a file with this app.
create_in_folder_templateStringCreate in folder templateThe template URL to create a file with this app in a given folder. The template contains the {folderId} to be replaced by the folder ID house the new file.
open_url_templateStringOpen URL templateThe template URL for opening files with this app. The template contains {ids} or {exportIds} to be replaced by the actual file IDs.