eWalker SWG

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Last updated Feb 21, 2024

Install Guide

eWalker Setup

Navigate to Settings > Other Settings > Log Settings Tab > Access Logs. Activate the feature by setting it to ON and change the log format to the following, then click the APPLY button.

[%cqtn] %puid %chip %chpt %ship "%pfcn" %ttmf %cqme %cquc %sssc %cqpl %sslt %cqlx %pfac %info %ccaa "%pfra" %site

If you wish to maintain the existing log format, modify the format setting for the ewalker-swg-access parser in Logpresso's Parsers menu.

eWalker SWG 로그 포맷 설정

Logpresso Setup

Create an SSH connection profile to access the eWalker SWG device.

Create an SSH connection profile

Select the eWalker SWG as a logger model and specify the SSH profile and file path.

  • SSH Profile: ewalker
  • File Path: /var/log/access/access.log

Once the setup is complete, go to the dashboard to view the data received in real time.

eeWalker SWG URL Auto Block

eWalker SWG devices support an EBL (External Blocklist) feature, which periodically downloads a list of blocked URLs from specified URLs and automatically blocks them. You can synchronize the blocklist by calling a predefined procedure through Logpresso's query REST API.

For example, if you have created a blocklist procedure in Logpresso, include Logpresso's API key as a query string parameter (_apikey) when setting up the EBL:
