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Last updated Feb 19, 2024


Web application attack detections

TypeFieldDisplay NameDescription
Stringlog_typeLog typee.g. INTRUSION
StringriskRiske.g. HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW
IP addresssrc_ipSource IPAttacker IP address
Integersrc_portSource portAttacker port
IP addressdst_ipDestination IPWeb server IP address
Integerdst_portDestination portWeb server port
StringsignatureSignaturee.g. Buffer Overflow, File Inclusion, SQL Injection
Integerrisk_scoreRisk score0 to 100
StringactionActione.g. DETECT, BLOCK
StringresponseResponsee.g. Detection only, Error code, Page redirection
IntegerstatusStatusHTTP status code
StringhostHost header
StringvhostVirtual host
StringuriURIPath and query string
StringreasonReasone.g. HTTP protocol has incorrect syntax.
Stringhttp_req_headersHTTP request headersConvert control chars - #015 CR, #012 LF, #011 tab
Stringhttp_resp_headersHTTP response headersConvert control chars - #015 CR, #012 LF, #011 tab
Stringraw_dataRaw dataConvert control chars - #015 CR, #012 LF, #011 tab