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Last updated Feb 19, 2024


Get HA settings on the WAPPLES device.

wapples-ha-info [profile=PROFILE]
WAPPLES connect profile code

Output Fields

profileStringConnect profilee.g. wapples
enabledBoolEnabledtrue if high availability mode is on
preemptionStringHA preemptione.g. Disable, Enable
conf_own_stateStringHA config of current devicee.g. NP_STANDBY, NP_ACTIVE
conf_app_stateStringHA config of peer devicee.g. NP_STANDBY, NP_ACTIVE, NP_NONE
run_own_stateStringHA state of current devicee.g. NP_DOWN, NP_READY, NP_STANDBY, NP_ACTIVE
run_app_stateStringHA state of peer devicee.g. NP_DOWN, NP_READY, NP_STANDBY, NP_ACTIVE
conditionStringFailure conditione.g. DETECTION_ENGINE_DOWN(OFF)
forwardingStringPacket Forwardinge.g. OFF
link_downStringLink down actione.g. DISABLE
src_ipIP addressSource IPIP address of the hot line link
src_portIntegerSource portTCP port number of the hot line link
src_macStringSource MAC addressMAC address of the hot line link
dst_ipIP addressDestination IPIP address of the peer's hot line link
dst_portIntegerDestination portTCP port number of the peer's hot line link
dst_macStringDestination MAC addressMAC address of the peer's hot line link
stateStringHA statee.g. OFF
failover_timeoutStringFailover timeoutFailover timeout