Retrieve file reputation information from VirusTotal for the hash value passed as the input record.
virustotal-file-report-batch [profile=PROFILE]
- profile=PROFILE
- Comma seperated VirusTotal profile names
Input Field
- hash: MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 value
Output Fields
Field | Type | Name | Description |
file_name | String | File name | file_name |
file_size | Long | File size | Size in bytes |
threat_label | String | Threat label | e.g. trojan.kelios/malcert |
malicious_reports | Integer | Malicious reports | Number of reports saying that is malicious. |
suspicious_reports | Integer | Suspicious reports | Number of reports saying that is suspicious. |
harmless_reports | Integer | Harmless reports | Number of reports saying that is suspicious. |
undetected_reports | Integer | Undetected reports | Number of reports saying that is undetected. |
type_unsupported_reports | Integer | Type unsupported reports | Number of AV engines that don't support that type of file. |
confirmed_timeout_reports | Integer | Confirmed timeout reports | Number of AV engines that reach a timeout when analysing that file. |
timeout_reports | Integer | Timeout reports | Number of timeouts when analysing this file. |
failure_reports | Integer | Failure reports | Number of AV engines that fail when analysing that file. |
reputation | Integer | Reputation | File's score by community votes |
harmless_votes | Integer | Harmless votes | Number of positive votes. |
malicious_votes | Integer | Malicious votes | Number of negative votes. |
type_tag | String | Type tag | e.g. peexe, pedll, elf, doc |
type_extension | String | Type extension | e.g. exe, dll, doc |
type_description | String | Type description | e.g. Win32 EXE, ELF, MS Word Document |
tags | List | Tags | e.g. executable, windows, pe, pedll |
md5 | String | MD5sum | |
sha1 | String | SHA1 hash | |
sha256 | String | SHA256 hash | |
ssdeep | String | SSDEEP | Fuzzy hash of the file content. |
vhash | String | VHash | Similarity clustering value |
first_submission | Date | First submission time | |
last_submission | Date | Last submission time | |
last_analysis | Date | Last analysis time | |
unique_sources | Integer | Unique sources | How many different sources the file has been posted from. |
file_names | List | File names | |
last_analysis_results | List | Analysis results | engine_name, engine_version, engine_update, method, category, result properties. |