Enumerate users in Logpresso Sonar.
Output Fields
Field | Type | Name | Description |
guid | String | GUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
login | String | Login name | Username used for login. |
name | String | User name | Full name of the user. |
title | String | Title | User's job title. |
dept | String | Department | Department the user belongs to. |
phone | String | Phone number | User's phone number. |
mobile | String | Mobile number | User's mobile phone number. |
String | User's email address. | ||
locale | String | Locale | User's preferred language (en or ko). |
role_id | Integer | Role ID | User's role identifier (0: Guest, 1: Cluster Admin, 2: Company Admin, 3: User). |
role_name | String | Role name | Name of the user's role. |
home_menu_id | Integer | Home menu ID | Menu ID displayed after login. |
granted_tables | List | Granted tables | List of tables the user has access to. |
user_granted_profiles | List | User granted profiles | List of profiles assigned to the user. |
group_granted_profiles | List | Group granted profiles | List of profiles assigned to the user's groups. |
user_group_guids | List | User group GUIDs | List of group GUIDs the user belongs to. |
trust_hosts | List | Trusted hosts | List of IP addresses allowed for access. |
idle_behavior | String | Idle behavior | Behavior when idle (lock: screen lock, logout: auto logout). |
idle_timeout | Integer | Idle timeout | Time before session times out (seconds, 0 for unlimited). |
password_expiration | Integer | Password expiration | Days before password expires (-1: system default, 0: unlimited). |
last_pw_change | Date | Last password change | Date and time of the last password change. |
login_lock_count | Integer | Login lock count | Number of failed login attempts before lockout (0 to 5). |
login_lock_interval | Integer | Login lock interval | Duration of account lockout (in minutes, max: 100000000). |
login_lock_until | Date | Login lock until | Date and time when the account will be unlocked. |
login_fail_count | Integer | Login fail count | Number of consecutive failed login attempts. |
last_login | Date | Last login | Timestamp of the user's last login. |
auth_mode | Integer | Authentication mode | Authentication mode (0: both internal/external, 1: only external). |
has_api_key | Bool | Has API key | Indicates if the user has an API key. |
preferences | Map | Preferences | User's preference settings. |
otp_enabled | Bool | OTP enabled | Indicates if OTP is enabled. |
otp_registered | Bool | OTP registered | Indicates if OTP is registered. |
created | Date | Created | Date and time when the account was created. |
updated | Date | Updated | Date and time of the last modification. |