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Last updated Dec 22, 2024


Enumerate users in Logpresso Sonar.


Output Fields

guidStringGUIDUnique identifier for the user.
loginStringLogin nameUsername used for login.
nameStringUser nameFull name of the user.
titleStringTitleUser's job title.
deptStringDepartmentDepartment the user belongs to.
phoneStringPhone numberUser's phone number.
mobileStringMobile numberUser's mobile phone number.
emailStringEmailUser's email address.
localeStringLocaleUser's preferred language (en or ko).
role_idIntegerRole IDUser's role identifier (0: Guest, 1: Cluster Admin, 2: Company Admin, 3: User).
role_nameStringRole nameName of the user's role.
home_menu_idIntegerHome menu IDMenu ID displayed after login.
granted_tablesListGranted tablesList of tables the user has access to.
user_granted_profilesListUser granted profilesList of profiles assigned to the user.
group_granted_profilesListGroup granted profilesList of profiles assigned to the user's groups.
user_group_guidsListUser group GUIDsList of group GUIDs the user belongs to.
trust_hostsListTrusted hostsList of IP addresses allowed for access.
idle_behaviorStringIdle behaviorBehavior when idle (lock: screen lock, logout: auto logout).
idle_timeoutIntegerIdle timeoutTime before session times out (seconds, 0 for unlimited).
password_expirationIntegerPassword expirationDays before password expires (-1: system default, 0: unlimited).
last_pw_changeDateLast password changeDate and time of the last password change.
login_lock_countIntegerLogin lock countNumber of failed login attempts before lockout (0 to 5).
login_lock_intervalIntegerLogin lock intervalDuration of account lockout (in minutes, max: 100000000).
login_lock_untilDateLogin lock untilDate and time when the account will be unlocked.
login_fail_countIntegerLogin fail countNumber of consecutive failed login attempts.
last_loginDateLast loginTimestamp of the user's last login.
auth_modeIntegerAuthentication modeAuthentication mode (0: both internal/external, 1: only external).
has_api_keyBoolHas API keyIndicates if the user has an API key.
preferencesMapPreferencesUser's preference settings.
otp_enabledBoolOTP enabledIndicates if OTP is enabled.
otp_registeredBoolOTP registeredIndicates if OTP is registered.
createdDateCreatedDate and time when the account was created.
updatedDateUpdatedDate and time of the last modification.