Install Guide
The XGate Next-Generation Firewall recognizes applications based on packet content, rather than solely by port number, to provide precise network traffic control policies. It provides diverse security functions such as VPN(IPSec/SSL), IPS, Anti-DDoS, and Anti-Virtus, etc.
Logpresso supports querying XGate security policies and automatically blocking attacker IPs through the REST API available in XGate AOS version 2.1 or later firmware.
Administrator Settings
Upon logging into the XGate web console, you can check the HTTPS port settings as shown below.
For REST API authentication, XGate requires a web UI account and password. As firewall policy management accounts need to be handled securely, create a dedicated account for Logpresso integration. Ensure the password is sufficiently complex, and specify the Logpresso server IP address to restrict access.
Set Up Connect Profile
Go to Settings > Connect Profiles and click Add to create a connect profile.
You can now use the extended commands provided by the XGate app.