AhnLab EPP

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Last updated Mar 5, 2024


Fetch task list from AhnLab EPP

ahnlab-epp-tasks [duration=NUM{mon|w|d|h|m|s}] [from=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [to=yyyyMMddHHmmss]
Scan only recent data. You should use s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month) time unit. For example, 10s means data from 10 seconds earlier.
Start time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
End time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.

Output Fields

profileStringConnect profile
job_idLongJob ID
task_idLongTask ID
job_typeStringJob type
task_typeStringTask type
task_statusStringTask status
start_timeDateStart time
end_timeDateEnd time
is_retryBoolRetry or not
fail_node_countIntegerFail node count
admin_idStringAdmin IDAccount name that ran the task
logical_targetListLogical targettype, target, target_name properties
correlation_rule_idIntegerCorrelation rule ID
correlation_nameStringCorrelation name
is_correlation_enabledBoolCorrelation enabled or not
is_correlation_removedBoolCorrelation removed or not
instance_idIntegerInstance ID
notice_titleStringNotice title
notice_contentsStringNotice contents
removed_node_idStringRemoved node ID
server_context_payloadMapServer context payload