Web Insight WAF

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Last updated Jul 26, 2023


MONITORAPP WEB Insights logger provides the fields below.

TypeFieldDisplay NameDescription
Dateevent_timeEvent time
Stringlog_typeLog typee.g. DETECT
StringversionVersione.g. v4.1, v5.0
StringriskSeveritye.g. HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW
IP addresssrc_ipSource IP
Integersrc_portSource port
IP addressdst_ipDestination IP
Integerdst_portDestination port
StringappApplicatione.g. https
StringsignatureSignaturee.g. Abnormal HTTP Request
StringsidPattern codee.g. 15
StringhostHostHost HTTP header
Longsent_bytesSent bytesThe size sent by the client to the server
Stringraw_dataPayloadOriginal HTTP request