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Last updated Jan 5, 2025


Enuemrate activities in the SentinelOne service.

sentinelone-activities [profile=PROFILE] [duration=NUM{mon|w|d|h|m|s}] [from=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [to=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [order=ORDER]
Connect profile code of SentinelOne
Scan only recent data. You should use s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month) time unit. For example, 10s means data from 10 seconds earlier.
Start time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
End time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
asc or desc.

Output Fields

_timeDateTimeCreated time.
profileStringConnect profileSentinelOne connect profile code
site_nameStringSite namee.g. Default site
group_nameStringGroup namee.g. Linux Server, MacOS, Windows PC
agent_idStringAgent IDe.g. 1234567890123456789
hostnameStringHostnamee.g. logpresso's MacBook Pro
host_ipIP addressHost IPIP address of the host where the activity occurred.
activity_typeIntegerActivity typee.g. 3631, 4020
event_categoryStringEvent categorye.g. process, registry, indicators, command_script
threat_classificationStringThreat classificatione.g. Malware, Ransomware, PUA, Infostealer, Cryptominer
primary_descriptionStringPrimary descriptione.g. Live Updates for Static AI, StaticSigMac251-9.3, were sent to endpoint
secondary_descriptionStringSecondary descriptione.g. IP address: x.x.x.x
account_nameStringAccount namee.g. Logpresso
createdDateCreatedTime the record was created.
updatedDateUpdatedTime the record was updated.
paramsMapParametersElements with account_name, site_name, scope_level, group_name, hostname, asset_type, source_type, etc.
idStringActivity IDSequence number of activities.
activity_uuidStringActivity UUID36 characters in GUID format.
account_idStringAccount IDe.g. 1234567890123456789
site_idStringSite IDe.g. 1234567890123456789
group_idStringGroup IDe.g. 1234567890123456789
user_idStringUser IDe.g. 1234567890123456789
threat_idStringThreat IDe.g. 1234567890123456789