FireEye FX

Download 36
Last updated Jun 26, 2022


Fetch alerts from FireEye FX devices

fireeye-fx-alerts [duration=NUM{mon|w|d|h|m|s}] [from=yyyyMMddHHmmss] [to=yyyyMMddHHmmss]
Scan only recent data. You should use s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), mon(month) time unit. For example, 10s means data from 10 seconds earlier.
Start time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero.
End time of range. yyyyMMddHHmmss format. If you omit time part, it will be padded by zero. Tomorrow 00:00 by default.

Output Fields

_timeDateAlert time
profileStringConnect profileIdentifier of FireEye FX connect profile
idIntegerAlert ID
typeStringTypee.g. Malware Object
signatureStringSignaturee.g. Trojan.Win32.Tiggre.FEC3
file_typeStringFile typee.g. zip
scan_nameStringScan name
statusStringStatuse.g. Success, Duplicate
submitted_atDateSubmitted time
started_atDateStarted time
completed_atDateCompleted time
parentBoolParent or not
threat_info_badgeBoolThreat info badge
malicious_alertsBoolMalicious alertAnalyze digital sign, entropy, packer, API hooking, and so on
os_change_graphBoolOS change graph
os_change_tableBoolOS change table
pe_viewBoolPE view
obj_hashBoolObject hashInclude crc32, md5, sha1, sha256, ssdeep
hex_viewBoolHex view
mitre_viewBoolMITRE viewInclude MITRE attack TTP mappings
download_pathStringDownload pathXML report download path
guidStringAlert GUID